Write a C++ code to generates an array of N_points values for a sine function f(x) = sin(x) and the derivative of f(x).


Code Breakdown:

This C++ code generates an array of N_points values for a sine function f(x) = sin(x) and its derivative f'(x). The program then prints out the N_points values of angle, f(x), f'(x), and cos(x).

Here is a breakdown of the code:


using namespace std;

#define N_points 300

int main(){
int i;

float angle[N_points], f[N_points], f1_3[N_points];
float d_angle;

d_angle = 2*M_PI / (N_points – 1);


The code starts by including the standard input/output library and the math library. It then defines the number of points N_points to be 300 using a preprocessor directive. The main function initializes some variables, including angle, f, f1_3, and d_angle.

for ( i = 0; i < N_points; i++)
angle[i] = i*d_angle;
f[i] = sin(angle[i]);


The first for loop iterates over the N_points array and fills the angle and f arrays with values. The angle array is a linearly spaced array from 0 to 2π radians with a step size of d_angle. The f array is populated with the corresponding sine values of the angle array.


f1_3[0] = (f[1] – f[0])/d_angle;
f1_3[N_points – 1] = (f[N_points – 1] + f[N_points – 2])/d_angle;

for ( i = 1; i < N_points – 1; i++)
f1_3[i] = (f[i+1] – f[i-1])/(2*d_angle);


The next for loop computes the first derivative of f(x) at each angle[i] using the central difference method. The value of f'(x) at the first and last points are calculated separately since they do not have a symmetric point on both sides. The f1_3 array is then populated with the derivative values.


for ( i = 0; i < N_points; i++)
cout<< angle[i]<< ” ” << f[i] << ” ” << f1_3[i] << ” ” << cos(angle[i])<< endl;


Finally, the last for loop prints out the values of angle, f(x), f'(x), and cos(x) for each angle[i] value.

Overall, the code generates values for the sine function and its first derivative, and prints them out along with the corresponding angle and cosine values.



Sample Question:


Here are some questions that a teacher could ask on an exam paper based on this problem in a computational physics course:

  1. Describe the purpose of the given C++ code. What physical quantity is being calculated, and how is it computed?
  2. The given C++ code computes the derivative of the sine function using the central difference method. What is the central difference method, and how is it used to calculate the derivative?
  3. How is the angle array generated in the given code? What is the step size used, and how many points are there in the array?
  4. What is the value of f'(x) at the first and last points of the f array calculated separately? Why is it necessary to calculate them separately?
  5. What is the purpose of the last for loop in the given code? What values are being printed, and how are they calculated?
  6. Modify the given code to compute the second derivative of the sine function instead of the first derivative. Show your modified code, and explain how it works.
  7. What would happen if the number of points in the angle array were increased or decreased? How would this affect the accuracy of the calculated values?
  8. The given code uses a preprocessor directive to define the number of points. What are preprocessor directives, and how are they used in C++?

These questions test different aspects of the code, including the purpose, method, and implementation of the algorithm. They also require the student to explain the reasoning behind various choices made in the code and to modify the code to perform a different calculation. Overall, these questions would test the student’s understanding of the central difference method, array manipulation, and code implementation in C++.



Mathematics Behind this Code:

Mathematics behind the given C++ code:

  1. Calculation of angle and f arrays:
    • The angle array is generated using the equation angle[i] = i*d_angle, where d_angle is the step size between consecutive values of angle[i]. Here, d_angle = 2*pi/(N_points-1), where N_points is the number of points in the angle array.
    • The f array is generated using the sine function f[i] = sin(angle[i]).
  2. Calculation of f'(x) using the central difference method:
    • The first derivative of a function f(x) at a point x can be approximated using the central difference method as f'(x) ≈ [f(x+dx) - f(x-dx)]/(2*dx), where dx is a small step size. Here, we use dx = d_angle.
    • The value of f'(x) at the first point of the f array, f[0], is approximated as f1_3[0] = (f[1] - f[0])/d_angle.
    • The value of f'(x) at the last point of the f array, f[N_points-1], is approximated as f1_3[N_points-1] = (f[N_points-1] - f[N_points-2])/d_angle.
    • The value of f'(x) at all other points of the f array is approximated using the central difference method as f1_3[i] = (f[i+1] - f[i-1])/(2*d_angle).
  3. Printing of values:
    • The values of angle[i], f[i], f1_3[i], and cos(angle[i]) are printed for each value of angle[i] using a for loop.

I hope this helps!

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