Maya, Aztecs & Native Americans

The Maya, the Aztecs, and the Native Americans are ancient civilizations that made significant contributions to the study of the stars and the universe. Here is a brief overview of each of these cultures and their contributions to astronomy:

  1. The Maya: The Maya were a civilization that lived in what is now Mexico and Central America. They were skilled astronomers and mathematicians, and they used their knowledge of the stars to create a calendar and track the passage of time. The Maya also recorded celestial events, such as eclipses, and believed that the movements of the stars and planets were connected to important events in their lives.
  2. The Aztecs: The Aztecs were another ancient civilization that lived in what is now Mexico. Like the Maya, they were skilled astronomers and used their knowledge of the stars to create a calendar and track the passage of time. The Aztecs also believed that the movements of the stars and planets were connected to important events in their lives, and they recorded celestial events, such as comets, as omens or signs from the gods.
  3. The Native Americans: The Native Americans were the indigenous peoples of North and South America. Different Native American cultures had their own beliefs about the stars and the universe, and many used their knowledge of the stars to track the seasons and navigate by the stars. Some Native American cultures, such as the Hopi, also believed that the stars and the universe were connected to important events in their lives, and they recorded celestial events, such as eclipses, as omens or signs from the gods.

Overall, the Maya, the Aztecs, and the Native Americans were ancient civilizations that made significant contributions to the study of the stars and the universe. They used their knowledge of celestial events to track the passage of time, navigate by the stars, and connect the movements of the stars and planets to important events in their lives.

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